Dr. Brown earned a master’s degree in counseling psychology and a doctorate in educational leadership from Nova Southeastern University in 2007. She’s an award-winning author and currently works as a school counselor.
William Brown earned his masters degree in project management from the Citadel Graduate College and was an active duty Chief Operations Supervisor for the United States Coast Guard until his retirement in 2014. Dr. Brown is also a veteran, having spent two years in the Army military police.
Together, they share a unique partnership, as demonstrated in Dr. Brown’s book titled The Origin Story.
The metaphysical subject matter of the book and their methods of investigation, specifically as it relates to the history of Mars, are arguably unfamiliar to most people.
However, it’s hard not to draw comparisons to the U.S. Army’s remote viewing program, and its specific interest in Mars. Dr. Brown’s book also correlates with the research of plasma physicist Dr. John Brandenburg, which offers a downright terrifying explanation for how Mars, once a blue planet, is now red.
In this book, Dr. Brown transcribed her conversations with William, an internationally known trance channel, who received transmissions from extraterrestrial beings understood to be our galactic ancestors, and creators.
Our conversation today explores what they learned in these transmissions concerning the origin of our species, the destruction of Mars, UFO sightings over nuclear weapons facilities, and the true purpose of the pyramids on both Earth and Mars.
Atmosphere Ignition Art by Aliaksandr Halomzik | Blue Planet Red IMDb
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